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29 Aug 2023

Bringing In The BIG Guns | The BIG Truck Giveaway Episode 9

In Episode 9 of the BIG Truck Giveaway, we fit some of our subscribers suggestions to our giveaway truck, plus a few added surprises and even a mini giveaway! Read on to find out more.

Image of Bringing In The BIG Guns | The BIG Truck Giveaway Episode 9

The time has come once again to add some more accessory upgrades to our giveaway truck, and we couldn't wait to get stuck in! Last episode, we didn't hold our usual vote, and instead we asked our subscribers to make some suggestions of accessories they would personally would like to see added on the truck which we still hadn't added yet. We had lots of great suggestions, but we had a truly overwhelming response for a microwave and some in-cab comforts.

TruckChef Microwave:

The first addition of the episode was a TruckChef microwave. We thought it was time to give Dale a bit of a break, and brought in James to do our fitting this time around. James hasn't appeared on the series yet, but he is one of our experienced fitters here at Kuda - you might even have seen him on our TikTok before! James was a bit nervous to be filmed for the series at first, but we think he did a fantastic job!

James fitted the TruckChef microwave into the front middle storage compartment of the DAF, using our bespoke fitting kit to suit DAF XF 105/ 106 Super Space Cab. We are proud to manufacture microwaves with vehicle-specific fitting kits, meaning they will always fit perfectly in your truck. This microwaves means our winner have access to hot meals on the road, and will be able to cut back on the costs of buying fast food.

CabStore Locker:

Following this, Sam, from our CabStore department,
suggested that we also have a locker installed (and what a great suggestion this was!). Our CabStore lockers are made in house, complete with a range of colours and lighting options, giving them a stunning OEM look and feel. These lockers are perfect for storing all of your essentials and in cab comforts on the road, as well as electrical accessories. We thought that adding this would be a great step in helping our winner get the most out of the truck and help create a home from home whilst out on the road!

Sam crafted the locker, ensuring all fixings and measurements were correct for the vehicle, and choosing a colour that would perfectly match the interior. We make all of our lockers in house, bespoke to specific vehicle makes and models. Once created, James was brought in to assemble the locker and fit it to the cab. We think our team did an absolutely fantastic job with this; they really put their all into the project to ensure that the locker was fitted in time for the new episode. It has been so amazing to watch our team come together to fit some incredible accessories onto this truck, and we just know our winner is going to love it!

Millie and Ruby's Mission:

§§With the locker and microwave expertly fitted, it was time to bring in Millie and Ruby-  who are definitely not experts - to fit the next accessory: a TomTom Go Expert! The girls had taken a backseat so far this episode with all of the complex installations taking place, but now it was their time to shine.

After unboxing the TomTom and realising that the start guide didn't include instructions on how to assemble and plug in the TomTom (this however, was very obvious) the girls realised they had their work cut out for them. Ruby began the process, attaching the screen to the base and plugging the device into the 12v cigarette lighter charging port. This didn't take too long, but little did the girls know that the biggest task was yet to come: they had to figure out how to secure the TomTom to the truck!

Millie took the lead for this section, first attempting to fasten the TomTom to the dashboard using its 'click-and-go' mount, but this was to no avail. The girls determined that they would have to attach the device to a window, tested this on the drivers side door window: success! There were a few issues detaching it to move to the windscreen, but soon enough, Millie finally reattached the TomTom in a spot that the girls deemed perfect for the driver. After spending a bit of time playing around with the settings, the girl completed their mission (for the first time in this series)!

A Surprise Sticker:

A few episodes ago, the girls received a comment from a subscriber saying that it would be great to have an image of Millie and Ruby on the back of the cab, which got them thinking.

For a while now, our CAD department have been working on new methods of printing and laminating, and we wanted to put this to the test. With the help of Olly from the CAD department, Millie and Ruby selected, printed and laminated an image of themselves to stick onto the back of the cab!

Of course, if our winner wishes to, this sticker can easily be removed, but the girls really wanted to make their mark on this project that they have put so much time and effort into. The sticker was then applied by Millie and Olly, we think the sticker looks great, and it's certainly a funny addition, it really puts our own mark on the project.

Mini Giveaway:

Next episode, we will be adding some more of our subscribers suggested accessories from episode 8, so there will be no vote once again. However, instead we have decided to host a small, separate giveaway to treat one lucky viewer!

We want to have a catchphrase above our sticker of Millie and Ruby, and we're leaving it up to our audience to choose what that slogan will be. To enter our mini giveaway, AND The BIG Truck Giveaway simultaneously, viewers must subscribe to our channel and then comment what they think the slogan should be - that's it!

From this, we will select a comment, pick them out a random giveaway prize, and print the catchphrase to add to the truck! 

Don't Forget:

Viewers have one week to leave their comments on YouTube. Don't forget, you MUST be subscribed for a chance to win the truck at the end of the series, and to be entered into our mini giveaway!

You can watch the latest episode of The Big Truck Giveaway here.

The BIG Truck Giveaway Terms and Conditions: